Nowadays, understanding how to use markdown syntax to stylize documents is necessary if you want to reach online audiences, especially if they are clients/customers.

We’ll go through a few basic steps that will help you get started right away.

I. Headings

This heading was created using markdown.

To insert headings into your article - use the hashtag symbol, followed by a space, followed by the text of your choice.

For example “# Hello”:


Increasing the number of Hashtags changes the size of the headings, with one hashtag resulting in the largest size.

For example “## This is Heading size 2” will result in:

This is Heading size 2

Additional examples:

”### Heading 3”

Heading 3

”#### Heading 4”

Heading 4

II. Basic text styles

Basic formatting changes to text such as Bold or Italic.

Italics: For italic changes, we enclose the text using the asterisk symbol * *


Bold: For bold text, we add an extra asterisk surrounding the texts just like italics ** **

This is bold text

NOTE: Ensure that there are no spaces between the text you want to bold or it will instead end up looking like the text below.

** This is bold text **

This is an image of a cat!

This is an image of a cat